USB3.0 Copy Machine (A1)

USB3.0 Copy Machine (External HDD Cloner) – A1

USB3.0 Copy Machine; External HDD Cloner

U-Reach A1 is a USB3.0 Copy Machine which is also an external HDD Cloner. It makes copy job of USB drives become easy. 


USB3.0 / USB3.1 / USB3.2 

USB Drive Copier -A1

Model A1
Target 1 to 3
  • Maximum copying speed of one single port can be up to 16GB/min.
  • Supports bit-by-bit copy for all formats, including proprietary and unknown formats.
  • Compatible with the USB drive 2.0/3.0/3.1.
  • Light weight and portable design.
  • In-built H2 and H5 Read/Write speed inspection.
  • Read/Write speed inspection/Actual capacity inspection/ Bad sector inspection