Memory Card Copier

Memory Card Copier (SD Card Copier) – SD312N

Memory Card Copier; SD Card Copier

U-Reach SD312N Memory Card Copier is a SD Card Copier that can copy SD Memory Card and microSD Cards easily.


SD and MicroSD Memory Card Copier – SD312N

Model SD312N
Target 1 to 2
  • Standalone, no PC required to operate the SD/MicroSD duplicator.
  • Peak transfer speed up to 2GB per minute.
  • The SD & MicroSD card can have a capacity up to largest size available on the market.
  • Supports all types of data copy formats while executing bit-for-bit duplication.
  • Support “quick copy” for Linux (ext2/ext3/ext4), NTFS and FAT16/32/exFAT.